Proclaiming himself pleased but not satisfied, Fulton County Schools superintendent Jeff Rose sketched out a series of goals in a five-year strategic plan unveiled recent during his “State of Our Schools” address.

Rose said he wanted to have 100 percent of the district’s schools “beat the odds”-scoring above the mean testing average for demographically similar schools across Georgia. Rose said right now just 45 percent of Fulton schools beat the odds. He also said the plan pushes for a 92 percent high school graduate rate. Right now it’s 86.8 per cent, up from 71 percent at the outset of the district’s previous strategic roadmap. Rose said other major goals are to ensure 85 percent of graduates are college and career-ready, and that none of the district’s schools have a failing label attached.

Rose said while great progress has been made-26 of 28 schools labeled as failing last year improved-much work remains to be done. Eighteen schools are still in the failing category and almost 2000 third-graders in the district didn’t read at grade level last year.