A sales tax referendum on transportation, stopping the spread of the Zika virus and supplying first responders with a drug to counteract opiate overdoses are subjects of a special called meeting of the Fulton County Commission.

Commissioners will work on the transportation referendum with the mayors of 14 Fulton municipalities, their representatives and county staff at a meeting to start at 10 a.m. Wednesday in the Fulton County Government Center, Atlanta.

Voters will be asked to approve a 0.75 cent sales tax to raise $500 million to $600 million for various projects over five years. (This is separate from the half-penny sales tax referendum in the city of Atlanta for city-only MARTA projects.)

Commissioners also will talk about efforts to combat the spread of the Zika virus through spraying for mosquitoes and a public information campaign. The disease has been confirmed to cause severe birth defects and also may afflict children and adults.

Additionally, there will be discussion on providing Naloxone to law enforcement. Last month, commissioners voted to spend $49,000 in seed money to help provide responders with the drug, which can save the lives of those overdosing on opiates like heroin.