The Forsyth County Board of Commissioners will hold a special called meeting starting at 9 a.m., March 28, to discuss a proposed continuation of the county’s Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax.

The meeting will be held in Suite 220 of the Forsyth County Administration Building, 110 E. Main St., Cumming.

Commissioners will review citizen input received at 10 public meetings and through an online survey over the past three months, officials said. They also will discuss potential projects funded by the SPLOST.

The one-penny, voter-approved, sales and use tax runs for a specified period, up to six years, and raises funds for designated programs or named capital items. Forsyth has had one since 1987, when voters first approved the program, and they have voted six times to renew it, officials said.

Commissioners are now discussing an eighth SPLOST referendum that would appear on the ballots this November. Previous SPLOSTs have funded road improvements, parks, fire stations and equipment, libraries and the new courthouse, jail and parking facilities.