The Duluth City Council recently voted to deny a request by SKA Academy for funding and permission to place a temporary public art installation in the city. Previously approved by the Duluth Public Art Commission, the “flower art” would have been placed on “Calaboose Island,” the park area in front of Duluth’s historic jailhouse.

The proposed art would have been installed after Nov. 1 and removed prior to June 15. SKA had originally requested $850 from the Public Art Acquisition Fund, but DPAC recommended reducing that to $450.

During the recent council meeting, Duluth Mayor Nancy Harris shared her concerns that while the DPAC acted completely under its purview, funding for the art commission was originally intended for contracting with professional artists. Harris noted SKA is an excellent academy and it has produced high quality work, but to honor the city’s relationship with developers who have helped fund the art acquisition program, requests for sponsorships should not support spending on school art projects.

The City Council may revisit the application to place the flower art if the request for funding is removed.