Five Henry County Title I schools were named Reward Schools by the state education department because of increases in achievement.

The five schools -- four elementary and one middle -- had double-digit increases in their overall 2019 College and Career Ready Performance Index scores compared to ones from a year before, the district said.

Reward Schools are among the greatest-improving five percent of Title I School-wide schools and Title I Targeted Assistance schools, the district added.

The schools are Austin Road Elementary, Hickory Flat Elementary, Pleasant Grove Elementary, Stockbridge Elementary and Stockbridge Middle.

"We are extremely proud of the progress and achievements of our schools last year, especially those Title I schools who made exceptional gains on the CCRPI," Superintendent Mary Elizabeth Davis said. "Our board of education's beliefs and commitments, coupled with the leadership and instruction in each of our schools, means that our students are in the best possible place to learn."