Fayette County continued its discussion of FY2017 budget plans at a public workshop Thursday.

Chief Finance Officer Mary Parrott walked the Board of Commissioners through a presentation outlining the current state of 2016 funds and projections for the coming year. The 40-page overview, now posted online at www.fayettecountyga.gov, notes that the FY2017 budget has no property tax increase, only minor staffing changes and no cost-of-living raises, although the county plans to absorb a 6.1 percent increase in employee healthcare premiums.

It also includes nearly $4 million of capital improvement programs, some of which will be paid for over five years.

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In 2020, ministers and seminary students were sent to polling locations throughout the state to monitor, offer encouragement and diffuse tense situations as a part of the New Georgia Project’s Faith Initiative. (Christina Matacotta for the AJC)

Credit: Christina Matacotta for the AJC