A group of Dunwoody residents recently formed the Dunwoody Police Foundation Inc., a charitable organization dedicated to improving Dunwoody policing by financially supporting the Dunwoody Police Department and its personnel, according to a press release.

Led by board president Rick Holland, a seven-member board of directors began meeting in April 2019 to complete legal and business steps to make the foundation a reality.

“On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Dunwoody Police Department, the formation of this foundation is a fitting tribute to the excellence in policing that we enjoy in the city of Dunwoody,” said Holland. “We salute all those who have served with distinction in our city’s first decade, and, we seek to support continued excellence in public safety as a defining characteristic of the Dunwoody community.”

The goal of the Dunwoody Police Foundation is to improve public safety for the officers and citizens of Dunwoody. It has pledged to support the Dunwoody Police Department employees through the acceptance and management of tax-deductible gifts and contributions. The principal purposes of the foundation are to ensure the establishment of an emergency aid program to benefit officers and their families; provide specialized training for staff or officers; support the purchase of special equipment that is in keeping with the Dunwoody Police Department mission; support community partnerships through educational materials; and sponsor community events to enhance public safety and quality of life in Dunwoody.

Joining board president Holland as founding board members are Kathleen Brandt, Lawrence B. Domenico, Chief of Police Billy Grogan, Carolyn Riticher, CPA, Mark Twiner, PE, and Heyward Wescott.

Information: www.dunwoodypolicefoundation.org or