Duluth police report burglaries down, theft from autos up

Duluth police report home invasions down, theft from autos up this year. Courtesy of Duluth Police Department

Duluth police report home invasions down, theft from autos up this year. Courtesy of Duluth Police Department

The Duluth Police Department reported recently that it has increased police patrols. Officials say the result is a reduction of home burglaries from 57 in 2015 to 40 so far this year. “Which is most likely attributed to increased police patrols and more homeowners implementing home security and surveillance devices,” says DPD Officer Sardowski.

However, during the same time period, Duluth has seen an increase in entering automobile crimes, most in shopping center and fitness club parking lots. For 2015, the city experienced a total of 78 reports of entering automobile criminal activity. So far this year, that number totals 121, about a 55 percent increase.

Duluth police are reminding citizens to hide valuables, lock vehicle doors and report any suspicious activity.

Information: www.duluthga.net or 770-476-4151