Duluth city officials will most likely approve a request by the Parks Advisory Board to dedicate Bunten Baseball field 1, known as the Pony field, as the “Mike Morrow Field.”

Duluth built the large baseball fields in 1999 to provide Pony baseball for 11- and 12-year-old boys and senior boy’s baseball for high school students ages 13 to 15. At that time, Shorty Howell Park could not accommodate the community demand for Pony baseball, and Duluth High School averaged 90 students for baseball tryouts for a 15-man roster.

Mike Morrow volunteered his services to the Duluth Youth Association, Duluth High School and the Duluth Parks and Recreation Department before serving 17 years as a city employee in the Parks and Recreation Department. From the 1980s until 2014, Morrow umpired baseball, and coached numerous age groups. His father-in-law, Shorty Howell, taught him maintenance standards for athletic fields that are practiced throughout the county today.