Following a public hearing, the Duluth City Council recently approved a rezoning request that will allow for the construction of 55 attached single-family townhomes. The project consists of 3 tax parcels on 6.1 acres on Duluth Highway/State Route 120 less than ¼ mile from downtown Duluth and falls within the city’s Downtown Overlay District.
Duluth resident Rodney Harris expressed concern about more new, higher-priced construction and increased taxes in the “Hill area” making affordable housing difficult and threatening the black population of the city. In opposition, Caesar Pointer is hoping to see his nearby property values increase, stating he feels development has historically been on one side of downtown and is in favor of redevelopment on the opposite side of Buford Highway.
The City Council approval came with 19 conditions ranging from architectural and urban design to landscaping and parking guidelines. The most rigorous condition requires the developer to complete an extensive traffic impact study prior to the issuance of any development permit.
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