The Duluth City Council voted 3 to 2 recently to approve a contract with CMES to move forward with construction of the Buford Highway Median Project. The construction is set for $703,994, plus a 10 percent contingency of $70,400 for a total budget of $774,394.

According to city documents, the Duluth medians will differ in appearance from others in the area. Duluth medians will not have header curb on top of the mountable curb. They will have a different mix of landscaping specimens including trees, shrubs and different types of grasses. All of the areas that can accommodate greenery have greenery proposed. The remaining concrete will be stamped to tie together with parts of Parsons Alley and its surrounding pedestrian crossings.

The project begins at Main Street at the back entrance to city hall and continues to the driveway for United Tools. The total project is a little over 1400 feet or 1/4 mile.