Following a second public hearing, the Duluth City Council voted to adopt the Fiscal Year 2019 Duluth Budget. Prior to the public hearings, the city held a budget workshop April 30 for additional public input.

The $20.89 million general fund budget includes a slight increase for police expenses and police administration due to an anticipated increase in the court solicitor’s hourly rate. Property tax revenue increased by $500,000 due mainly to reassessment growth, new commercial and residential construction. The motor vehicle title ad valorem increased by $110,000 and the insurance premium tax budget increased by $150,000. Combined permit revenues, commercial and residential, were increased $43,500. Intergovernmental revenue increased by $124,000 due mainly to the reimbursement of lease payments for the new dispatch console.

The budget calls for one new full-time Development Coordinator position. The draft budget also includes a decrease in the contribution to the city’s pension plan from 9 to 7 percent. It is anticipated the change will generate an annual savings of approximately $170,000.

The city is proposing to keep the tax millage rate the same. View the FY2019 budget: