The ninth installment of Duluth’s L.E.A.D. (Learn, Engage, Advance, Duluth) Academy is set to begin Feb. 16. to empower citizens to help address community issues.
Duluth believes citizens engage when they are armed with good information and L.E.A.D. offers that foundation. The program will spark an interest in local issues, provide insight into the decision-making process and provide an avenue for participants to help advance the community for a better future.
The program is held 6-9 p.m. during six Thursday evening sessions at City Hall, 3167 Main St. There will be one Monday evening session Feb. 27 when the class will join the city council for the regularly scheduled work session at 5:30 pm. Light dinner and snacks are provided each week.
Deadline for applications is Jan. 27. Information and applications: Questions: Alisa Williams at or 678-475-3506.
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