The Duluth City Council recently accepted several donations that will help fund ongoing community events. In May, Larry and Pamela Smith of 2 Smith Art Gallery held the second annual “Paint Duluth” Plein Air event in Duluth. The event invites local artists to paint scenery in and around downtown, and awards artist’s cash and gift certificates based on their work. The paintings are sold after the event with 30 percent of the proceeds going to support the Duluth Public Art Commission. This year the event generated a $5,117 donation to be added to the Duluth Performing Art Acquisition Fund.

In June, the city conducted its first community cleanup day in Duluth. In support of this event, the city accpeted a donation of $250 from Clark Patterson Lee to help offset associated costs.

The Parks and Recreation department also received donations totaling $3,750 to help support their Youth Scholarship Fund activities. A donation of $3,500 was received from Allsouth Tubing, LLC and a donation of $250 was received from the Spirited Quilters Guild. In addition, the Spirited Quilters Guild donated a hand-made quilt to be raffled off to raise funds to support the Youth Scholarship Fund. These two donations will assist local youth with the cost of attending the parks and recreation summer camp and other park programs.

A $1,000 donation from the Gwinnett Hospital System will support fundraising efforts for the new Duluth library in downtown, and an $800 donation from Medieval Times Georgia, Inc. will help provide candy for the Howl on the Green trick-or-treating event.