Donna Brazile, interim chair of the Democratic National Committee, took to Twitter on Tuesday night to offer apologies after a bus chartered by the party illegally dumped raw sewage into a Gwinnett County storm drain.

One problem, though — Gwinnett is indeed a county. Not a "town."

The incident in question involved a "Forward Together" bus that was kicking off a nationwide, pro-Hillary Clinton tour withTuesday stops in Lawrenceville, Atlanta and Macon. It happened around 9:30 a.m. in front of an auto parts store on Lawrenceville's Grayson Highway.

An employee of the store  told Lawrenceville police he saw someone get out of the bus — which bears the likenesses of presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and running mate Tim Kaine — and dump "its sewage into the storm drain," according to an incident report.

Gwinnett County fire hazmat crews also responded to the scene and cleaned up the spill, the police report said. The case was eventually turned over to Georgia's Environmental Protection Division.

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Bert Langley, the EPD's director of compliance, told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution on Wednesday that the agency knows little at this point — but the DNC is unlikely to be held responsible.

"Assuming the situation is that they pulled up and the charter operator decided this was a good place to empty the holding tank," Langley said, "any action we would take would be against the charter company."

Such "action" would typically include help with cleanup and a monetary settlement.

The Twitterverse, meanwhile, had fun with Brazile's misguided tweet.

Gwinnett-based State Rep. Buzz Brockway enjoyed himself... did Jen Talaber Ryan (Gov. Nathan Deal's deputy chief of staff for communications) and news site Georgia Unfiltered.

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