Ecolink, a provider of chemical solutions for industries such as aerospace, electronics, and the military was recognized by the Georgia Department of Economic Development and the Georgia Economic Development Association as one of this year’s ‘Small Business Rock Stars.’ The company was selected for its positive impact on small business and the uniqueness of the its approach to a client’s need.
“We were highly motivated to apply and receive this award with the hope of sharing our risks, innovations and outreach efforts that consistently generate revenue growth and profitability. At Ecolink we recognize every organization is only as strong as its weakest connection so leveraging the network effect is paramount for our survival and sustainability. We versus me always wins,” said Chief Value Officer Brandon Pelissero.
Ecolink’s philanthropic endeavors were also a factor. Located in Tucker, it recently collaborated with the American Marketing Association Atlanta Chapter and Georgia Department of Education to invest in high school marketing programs. The investment provided funding for students and teachers to attend an annual conference in Anaheim, Calif.
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