City Schools Decatur provided an updated delineation of expenditures Monday if the $75 million general obligation bond is passed in November. CSD’s current enrollment is 4,658, with projections calling 6,527 students by 2020, a figure that doesn’t include annexation. The breakdown:
* $22 million pays for renovation/new construction at Decatur High, including a new media center, new kitchen/cafeteria and 14 classrooms. Current capacity: 1,353. New construction capacity: 1,600 or 95 percent of current projections for 2020.
* $15.425 million pays for demolition/renovation/new construction at Renfroe Middle, including a new main entrance, new kitchen/cafeteria/stage, four new science labs and 10 new general classrooms. Current capacity: 1,268. New construction capacity: 1,613 or 93 percent of projections.
* $15 million for construction of a new elementary/4/5 Academy with a combined capacity of 549 students, and another $10 million for land acquisition.
* $3 million for a total 30 modular classrooms (10 at DHS and 12 at Renfroe).
* $7 million for a new Early Childhood Learning Center
* $2.575 million for bond issuance, program contingency/management.
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