Decatur’s long-planned improvements for North McDonough Street, between Trinity Place and Howard Avenue, will finally get started late this summer and probably take one year.

“It’s going to be messy, inconvenient and loud,” said Decatur’s Deputy City Manager Hugh Saxon.

But it’s also one of the city’s most ambitious streetscapes projects ever, and likely a prototype for future designs. It will include 17 bio filtration waterbeds comprised of plants in a base that’s 75 percent sand and 25 percent organic dirt, filtering silt and pollution from surface runoff water. This is one of the first such systems in metro Atlanta

McDonough will be narrowed from four to two lanes with a two-way bicycle track on the west (the Decatur High) side, along with wider sidewalks, street furniture and streetlights on both sides.

The projected budget is $2.2 million. Saxon said it’s been delayed nearly a year to synchronize it with the College Avenue railroad crossing improvements at both McDonough and Trinity Place.

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Former District Attorney Jackie Johnson smiles at a supporter who took her hand Monday after Senior Judge John R. Turner dismissed one of the two charges she faced.

Credit: Terry Dickson/ The Brunswick News