Dacula will hold two public hearings on the city’s proposed millage rate at 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. June 27 at Dacula City Hall, 442 Harbins Road.

According to city documents, the city has “carried out a deliberate strategy over the last several years to keep city taxes low” without negatively impacting the quality services provided. By adopting a millage rate of 4.806, which is the same as last year, Dacula must advertise a tax increase due to increased property values.

The city proposed millage rate will require an increase in property taxes by 3.49 percent. The tentative increase will result in a millage rate of 4.806 mills, an increase of 0.162 mills. Without this increase, the millage rate will be no more than 4.644 mills. The proposed tax increase for a home with a fair market value of $100,000 is approximately $6.48 and the proposed tax increase for a non-homesteaded property with a fair market value of $300,000 is approximately $29.16.

A third and final public hearing on this tax increase will be held at 6 p.m. July 11, also at City Hall.

Additional details: www.daculaga.gov/millage-rate-public-hearing-notice-2/.