The third in a series of comprehensive plan update meetings was held recently at the Dacula City Hall. Discussions included new Georgia Department of Community Affairs regulations addressing broadband services and if and how the city can meet demand. The committee also reviewed a draft of the Needs and Opportunities list for the city. The list was based on the 2014 Comprehensive Plan and this year’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats analysis from previous planning meetings.

The public is encouraged to continue reviewing and providing comments on the Needs and Opportunity handout available online at The handout is also available for pickup at City Hall, 442 Harbins Road.

The next Community Work Program meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. Oct. 16 at Dacula City Hall, 442 Harbins Road.

Additional information or to make comments contact John Ford at or City Planner Brittni Nix at (770) 963-7451or