Registration open for Mableton classes
Registration is open for winter classes at the Mable House Arts Center, 5239 Floyd Road, Mableton.
Activities for adults include pottery classes and workshops, jewelry making, photography and drawing. Youth classes involve performance, theater, music, painting, drawing and pottery.
Registration: 770-819-3285.
Carolyn Cunningham for the AJC
Peachtree Corners business leaders to meet
The Peachtree Corners Business Association will hold a 2014 New Year Kick-Off Meeting 7:30 to 9 a.m. Jan. 10 at the Peachtree Corners Hilton.
Keynote speaker will be Dr. Dan Kauffman, President and CEO of Gwinnett Chamber.
Advanced registration required at Email:
Karen Huppertz for the AJC
Alpharetta seeks five street names
Alpharetta city officials want the public’s help naming five downtown streets that are part of the developing City Center project. Names should reflect the history, character or essence of downtown or the community as a whole. Streets can’t be named for the living.
For a depiction of the streets and to submit suggestions:
The 22-acre, multi-use project is set for completion in the summer of 2014. Mark Woolsey for the AJC
Clayton Water Authority to raise rates
Residential and commercial users of Clayton County Water Authority will ring in the new year with higher rates.
All users will see a 5 percent hike in water and sewer base rates and a 5 percent increase in usage charges beginning Jan. 1.
The new rates will be reflected in February’s bill.
The increase means a $2.21 increase to the water and sewer bill of the average customer who uses about 4,000 gallons a month. Tammy Joyner
Fayette partially restores teacher pay
Fayette County teachers and staff who were furloughed for two days this school year will have part of their pay reinstated as of February.
The Board of Education voted unanimously last week to amend this year’s budget and allocate $1.2 million of its projected $21 million fund balance to restoring the furlough pay for the second half of the year.
Jill Howard Church for the AJC