County by county news for Monday


Chairman Lee to host August town hall

Cobb County Chairman Tim Lee will host a town hall meeting in District 4 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesday at Pebblebrook High, Cobb Center for Excellence in the Performing Arts, 991 Old Alabama Road, Mableton.

This meeting gives south Cobb residents a chance to communicate directly with Lee, and learn about the county's progress on various projects. Info: or 770-528-3305. Jaime Sarrio


Adopt-A-Road seeks  volunteer help

Gwinnett Clean and Beautiful and the Gwinnett Department of Transportation is urging more residents to join the Adopt-A-Road program to help reduce trash and illegal signage alongside county roads. Groups must agree to maintain the location for at least 12 months with a minimum of four cleanups.

"Men Working" signs and safety vests available for volunteer crews. Efforts acknowledged with two signs placed along the adopted roadway.  Information: or contact Gwinnett Clean and Beautiful at 770-822-5187 or Karen Huppertz for the AJC


Youth soccer league registration underway

Registration is underway for youth soccer leagues that begin in September.

Registration is open until Aug. 19 at all county recreation centers for the league, which is open to children between 4 and 13. Fees range from $45 to $85 per child and include uniforms.

Information: 770-414-2113. April Hunt


Center to offer business plan classes

The Clayton State University Small Business Development Center will offer a class on “Writing a Living Business Plan,” 5  to 8 p.m. Thursday in room G127 on the first floor of the school’s Arts & Sciences Building. Among the topics: goal-setting, calculating profit and loss, finding sources and determining capital costs.

Cost: $69 per person.

Information: or 678-466-5100. Tammy Joyner


Fulton hosts family, teacher resource fair

Fulton County will host a family and teacher resource fair from 10 am. to 2 p.m. Aug. 17 at Metro Lanes and Games, 1959 Metropolitan Parkway, Atlanta.

The event will feature school supplies and information about after-school care and extracurricular activities.
It also will feature activities like skating, bowling, basketball tournaments and games.

Information: Reginald Crossley at 404-612-7386 or 404-409-7761. David Wickert


State labor official to address Rotary

Georgia State Labor Commissioner Mark Butler will speak to the Rotary Club of Canton at 11:30 a.m. Tuesday at 1130 Bluffs Parkway, Canton.

Butler, who took office as the state's ninth commissioner in January 10th, will speak on "Jobs and Employment in Georgia."
Information: Rotary Club of Canton Mark Woolsey for the AJC