Comments should be submitted by Nov. 16 on stream buffer disturbances regarding the Interstates 75/575 reversible managed lanes project in Cobb and Cherokee counties.
This project by the Georgia Department of Transportation includes 16.8 miles on I-75, 11.3 miles on I-575 and 1.6 miles on Interstate 285 for a total of 29.7 miles, extending from the I-75/I-285 interchange north along I-75 to Hickory Grove Road and northeast along I-575 to just south of Sixes Road.
Affected streams include Hope Creek and tributaries to Rottenwood, Poor House and Sope Creeks - all in Cobb County for fill needed for roadway embankment, bridge support, noise barrier installation and temporary construction access.
Buffer disturbance areas amount to 84,932 square feet.
Site plans for the proposed construction may be viewed at the Georgia Department of Transportation Northwest Corridor Office, 889 Franklin Road, Suite 180, Marietta. 678-718-1960.
Written comments should be submitted to: Program Manager, Non-Point Source Program, Erosion and Sedimentation Control, 2 MLK, Jr., Drive SW, Suite 1462, Atlanta, GA 30334.
Information: William F. Smith, environmental specialist, Georgia Environmental Protection Division, Water Protection Branch, 404-651-8553 or fax at 404-656-8556.
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