I watched Republicans cheering after the U.S. House of Representatives passed Trumpcare.
Rep. Michael McCaul, just why were you jubilant? I’m guessing because you finally passed something after years of trying. It surely wasn’t because you improved health care for working people.
This revised bill wasn’t even scored by the Congressional Budget Office, but the one you rolled out in March was. That report showed that 24 million could lose coverage, which is only one reason it had a 17 percent approval rating. Then you went and made this version even worse.
AARP and I are not alone in opposing this morally obscene bill. So, does the American Medical Association, the American Hospital Association, American Cancer Society and the March of Dimes to mention just a few.
In this bill, there are distinct winners and losers. While Trumpcare takes away coverage for millions of people, it provides over $28 billion to drug manufacturers, even as prescription drug prices skyrocket. It provides hundreds of billions of dollars in tax breaks to the wealthiest few and large corporations. The richest folks truly have cause to rejoice. They’ll be getting a $600 billion tax cut that comes out to about $200,000 each. Whoo hoo! Not only that but people making six figures could qualify for a credit to help pay for their insurance.
Rep. McCaul do all these things make you cheer?
Unfortunately, there are many losers. People age 50-64 could pay five times more than a young person for their insurance. They won’t be cheering. Medicaid will be cut by $880 billion over the next 10 years. With these cuts, some of the losers are children and adults with disabilities and seniors in long-term care. Medicare would be weakened, some say leaving it open to becoming a voucher program. Then we all lose. States can also choose to cut essential health benefits like prescription drugs, mental health or maternity care. And the piece de resistance, states will now be given the opportunity to “opt-out” of covering people with pre-existing conditions.
Rep. McCaul, here’s a tip, be careful what you cheer for, not everything you pass is worth celebrating. Some things you pass just stink.
Joni Ashbrook