A series of CobbLinc travel training videos will be developed by the county.
David Shapiro Enterprises, Inc. has been awarded the $36,700 contract by the Cobb County Board of Commissioners.
Existing Federal Transit Administration New Freedom Program grant funding is available through a subgrant agreement with MARTA, providing 80 percent of the total cost for this project in an amount not to exceed $29,360, according to Cobb Transportation Agency Director Erica Parish.
The required 20 percent local match, not to exceed $7,340, is available in the Cobb Transit Capital Projects Fund budget.
The videos will be designed to help those who use or are interested in public transportation services, with a focus on target populations with transportation barriers, lower income individuals, students and persons with low-English proficiency but also the general public.
These videos will be professionally developed and produced in partnership with Cobb County staff.
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