The historic Concord Road covered bridge re-opened Friday after four months of renovations.

County commissioners OK'd the $802,959 revamp of the bridge in May funded by the 2016 SPLOST, or Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax.

It was supposed to open earlier but was delayed by the snow that blanketed metro Atlanta.

Crews replaced the bridge’s decaying siding and shingles, added structural supports and repainted the structure.

The bridge, which spans Nickajack Creek, had been starting to lean. The contractor told the county that it took 20 minutes to straighten the 145-year-old bridge.

Workers in 2009 installed beams that look like a giant staple at the entrance of the bridge to warn drivers of the seven-foot height limit, but the county reports that the bridge still gets hit about once a month.

Learn about another still-standing piece of history | Bethel AME: The historic 'voice' of Cobb's black community

We gave you sneak peaks during the first week of construction and further along.

The bridge and other associated structures were published in the National Register of Historic Places in 1980.

If you want to read the incredibly nerdy inspection report required for it to be entered into the Register, you can do so here.

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