The Clayton County school district is investigating allegations of misconduct during recent Criterion-Referenced Competency Test sessions at Edwin S. Kemp Elementary School in Hampton.

As a result, the CRCT retesting at Kemp Elementary has been supervised by district personnel not employed at the school, district spokesman Charles L. White said Tuesday. White declined to give details about the matter. CRCT testing occurred at the school and district-wide April 12-19. Kemp has 694 students in third through fifth grades.

In an analysis of 2009 test results from 1,857 schools in city and county districts around the state, Kemp Elementary was identified as a “mild concern” for erasures and wrong-to-right changes in CRCT answers. Seven percent of the classes were flagged for high numbers involving those changes. Kemp was one of 32 metro Atlanta schools last year that met testing requirements of the federal No Child Left Behind law after retesting that summer.

School board chair Pam Adamson and board member Jessie Goree were unable to discuss the allegations, saying it was a personnel issue. Attempts were unsuccessful to reach Superintendent Edmond Heatley, who is scheduled to hold a news conference on Wednesday at the district's administration complex in Jonesboro. The reason for the news conference was not made public Tuesday.

The revelation comes less than a week after the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools removed the probationary status from the district's accreditation.