Cherokee County officials are inviting residents to a conversation about housing – what people look for in a place to live, barriers that might limit their choices, if the county has enough housing accessible to people with disabilities, and if people know what to do if they believe they’ve been discriminated against.
The meeting is to start at 1 p.m. Dec. 13 at Cherokee County Senior Services, 1001 Univeter Road, Canton. It’s for the Assessment of Fair Housing by the Cherokee Community Development Block Grant Program Office. A free holiday gift will be given to attendees.
The assessment, required as a condition of receiving federal block grant funds, “will identify any barriers to housing choice due to race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, disability or whether a household has children,” according to a meeting flyer. “It also will discuss segregation and poverty, access to opportunity, and special housing needs in the county.”
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