The city of Chamblee’s Recreation Advisory Committee is seeking interested individuals to serve on this six member committee. Meetings are typically held at City Hall on the first Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. However, on occasion they may be held at a city park or another city facility if the committee wishes or it is deemed necessary.
The two-year term must be approved by vote of the Chamblee City Council. RAC was established in 2009 with the intent of its members to represent the community and provide feedback to the Chamblee Parks and Recreation Department.
RAC members also support CPRD by finding new and/or improving existing programs, activities and special events. Additionally, committee members assist with finding coaches for youth athletics, finding sponsorships for special events, assist with park clean-ups and work special events as needed.
If you are interested in representing your community on RAC, please complete the “Statement of Interest” form and submit it to the Chamblee Parks and Recreation Director, Jodie Gilfillan at or mail it to 3540 Broad Street, Chamblee, GA 30341.
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