For the first time, Canton has banned smoking outdoors on all property “owned, leased and operated by the city,” particularly the streets of the central business district.
The City Council approved changes to Canton’s Smoke-Free Air Ordinance that prohibit smoking indoors in city buildings and vehicles and outdoors on city sidewalks and parking lots and at parks, playgrounds and other outside areas.
At a recent council meeting, members added downtown streets to the list of prohibited places, to eliminate smoking at city events. They also expanded the definition of smoking to include the use of electronic e-cigarettes in addition to lighted pipes, cigars and cigarettes. Second reading was waived, and the measure took effect immediately.
The law will be enforced by the Canton Police Department. Fines will range from $50 for a first violation to $100 for a second offense within a year and $250 for each additional violation within a year.
Smoking already was banned in such enclosed spaces as stores, restaurants and work places, with some exceptions.
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