Almost every election comes with yard signs but these two hit some big time hot buttons.
The signs talk about booze and Jesus as Donley County considers allowing the sale of alcohol.
One of the signs requests voters say “no” to alcohol sales "for Jesus' sake."
Don Stone put the sign up saying "I think he'll love me more if I vote no."
But Trevor Leeper is on the other side of the issue and he put up his own sign right next to Don’s. "Jesus won't love you any less, if you vote yes," Leeper’s sign begins.
"It's not about religion, it's about revenue," the second line reads.
The two signs went up in Clarendon, Texas within a day of each other and are separated by just 24 inches.
Julia Hatfield lives in Clarendon and doesn't like what's happening. "I don't think it's given us a good name honestly," she told News10 in Amarillo. "People are taking it to the extreme."
The city won't make either man take the signs down and a winner will be known November 5th, that's Election Day.
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