Buford has identified South Lee Street from Buford Highway to W. Moreno Street for streetscape and pedestrian facilities improvements. Currently, where they exist, sidewalks are inconsistent on both sides of the street, tend to be narrow and are non-ADA compliant.

When constructed, the South Lee Street Pedestrian Facilities Improvement Project will provide a link between Buford’s historic neighborhoods and commercial uses along Buford Highway.

The project includes construction of new or expanded sidewalks for approximately 0.9 miles along both sides of the corridor using a combination of brick and concrete. These improvements will include planting street trees and shrubs within a 4-foot pedestrian buffer zone and a center median, raised curbs, defined pedestrian crossings, shared lane bicycle markings, pedestrian scale lighting, other street furnishings and ADA-accessible curb ramps.

Water and sewer improvements have already been completed. The sidewalk and streetscape construction is set to begin in first quarter 2017 with completion first quarter 2018. This project is partially funded through the Atlanta Regional Commission’s Livable Centers Initiative Program.