Power outages caused a temporary loss in water pressure in Fulton County's drinking water system, WSBTV reported Saturday night.

Updates on the water alert are being posted in a new story for Sunday

A 24-hour boil water advisory is in effect for the following areas:

Streets between downtown Atlanta to the south including South Fulton County, west to the West End and East to Moreland Avenue. Affected areas include, but are not limited to, the Fox Theatre, Cabbagetown, Edgewood, Old Fourth Ward, West End, Peoplestown, Reynoldstown, Mechanicsville, Summerhill, Edgewood, Avon Avenue and South Fulton County.

The Department of Watershed Management says customers in these areas should boil water for one minute past a rolling boil before using it for cooking, drinking or brushed teeth.

The Department of Watershed Management is posting updates on its Twitter account.