With blood drives canceled at an alarming rate because of the COVID-19 outbreak, the city of Roswell and the Roswell Chapter of Friends are partnering to sponsor a community blood drive Tuesday through Thursday at East Roswell Park.

Because the Red Cross’ blood drive vehicles cannot be used due to social distancing, Roswell has offered the use of the gymnasium at the East Roswell Recreation Center, 9000 Fouts Road, according to a city announcement. Blood collections are scheduled from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The collections are necessary after more than 15,000 Red Cross blood drives were canceled across the nation as of April 7, resulting in some 450,000 fewer blood donations essential for surgeries, cancer treatments, care of accident victims and other emergencies, city officials said.

There is no evidence or any reported cases of the novel coronavirus or any respiratory virus being transmitted by blood transfusion, the Red Cross said. To sign up to donate blood, visit redcrossblood.org and enter your zip code or the “eastroswellrec” sponsor code.