Bishop Long donates $10,000 to AIDS hospice in SA

Bishop Eddie Long, senior pastor of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church, has donated $10,000 to the South African Caritas Care Home, a hospice for people suffering from HIV/AIDS.

The hospice, which is free, currently houses 60 children, most of whom are orphans, and 18 adults.

Long plans to coordinate efforts to get additional funds to help Caritas Care Home. Long talked about his visit to South Africa on his Facebook page.

I have always been very active in HIV/AIDS awareness but knowing that I have a God ordained mandate to radically change the world, there was no way that I could leave this place without finding a way to help these victims who are suffering now and to give them more resources to get the word out about prevention," he said.

According to some estimates, nearly six million people suffered from HIV/AIDS in that African nation in 2009.