Avondale Estates City Manager Clai Brown is preparing a request for proposal to study traffic patterns on Potter Avenue, which runs behind Tudor Village. Potter, once a seldom-used narrow alley, has in recent months become jammed with two-way traffic of cars and bicycles, due mostly to the Village’s reawakening.
“That’s become a dangerous little node,” Brown said recently.
The city is considering several possibilities, including turning a portion of Center Street north and Potter going east into one-way streets. Another option would be to shut Potter down altogether except to service vehicles. The Towne Cinema is planning an eventual extension of its stage in back, which will encroach even further onto Potter.
Barely half full three years ago, the 27,000-square-foot Village building is now 90 percent full and has only one remaining vacancy, which will likely go to a restaurant. After being closed nine years, the building’s Towne Cinema officially re-opens this weekend.
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