The Atlanta Police Department (APD) has begun to hold public roll calls, when police officers’ attendance is taken at the start of a work shift. APD zone officers as well as specialized units will hold public roll calls around the city. Some of the roll calls will be streamed LIVE on the APD’s Periscope account and be available on the APD YouTube Channel. Most days at 2:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. specialized units and zone 5 personnel will hold roll calls at Charles Allen and Tenth Street in Piedmont Park. Mobile Roll Calls will also be held in each zone so that citizens in all areas of the city can attend and learn how we deploy our resources. This measure is an effort of transparency, according to the police chief.

“The Atlanta Police Department is actively engaged in fighting crime in our city and aggressively exploring new strategies,” said Chief George Turner. “By periodically holding uniform roll calls in the field, we provide a greater transparency in how the Atlanta Police Department operates, and how committed we are to ensuring a safe environment for the citizens of Atlanta.”
