Twenty-one members of the Atlanta Outdoor Club completed a grueling one-day adventure Sunday in which they climbed to the summits of the highest peaks in five southeastern states, beginning at sunup and ending by sundown.

According to Charlie Cottingham of Atlanta, the group traveled some 500 miles in completing the quest to reach the summits of Sassafras Mountain, S.C, Mount Mitchell, N.C., Clingsman's Dome, Tenn., Brasstown Bald, Ga. and Cheaha Mountain, Ala.

Cottingham said the group was able to take advantage of the fact that there are trailheads near all five summits and that three of the mountains -- Sassafras, Clingman's Dome and Mount Mitchell -- are in the same general area. He said the biggest challenge  was driving to all five locations within daylight hours. The group divided into five groups in separate vehicles to complete the hikes, which ended with a rendezvous at Cheaha Mountain.

The journey started at the Rocky Bottom Conference and Retreat Center near Sassafras Mountain, Cottingham said.

Cottingham said he got the idea for the trip in 1992 when he and a group from the Atlanta Ski Club climbed four summits in four states. He said when they were finished he realized they could have completed a fifth summit, and he decided to include Cheaha on this year's trip.

Cottingham said the weather, which has been intensely hot in the Atlanta area, was a plus.

"It was a perfect day because it was in the 70s in all five places. The hiking portion was fun and not terribly strenuous," he said.

While the hiking may not have been strenuous, the event did take endurance.

"I was personally awake from 4 a.m. to midnight ... about 20 hours," he said.

Cottingham said he slept "very well" after returning. "I'm glad to be able to relax here at home with the air conditioning."

He said he has not been able to find any record of anyone else accomplishing such a feat and has applied to to have it recorded as a world record.