Q: My wife and I were victims of an armed robbery and no longer have Social Security cards. How do we go about getting these replaced so that we may obtain a new driver's license?

—John J. Walker, Doraville

A: You can download an application from http://www.ssa.gov/online/ss-5.pdf and mail the completed form and supporting documents to your local Social Security office. Those documents must show evidence of age (birth certificate is preferred, but a U.S. hospital record of birth, religious record established before age of 5 showing age or date of birth, passport or final adoption decree showing information taken from birth certificate might also be accepted) and evidence of identity (state-issued driver's license or ID card or passport). Any original documents will be returned to the applicant. You can find your local Social Security office here: https://secure.ssa.gov/apps6z/FOLO/fo001.jsp. You don't have to use a Social Security card to renew a Georgia's driver's license or state-issued ID card. The Georgia Department of Driver Services has increased the number of accepted forms for proof of Social Security numbers. They include: a W-2 form, a Social Security 1099 form, a non-Social Security 1099 form, a pay stub with your name and your Social Security number printed on it, a Medicare or Medicaid card, and any year's federal income tax return, among other documents, according to the DDS website. The DDS has a document checklist at www.dds.ga.gov/secureid/index.aspx.

Andy Johnston wrote this column. Do you have a question about the news? We'll try to get the answer. Call 404-222-2002 or email q&a@ajc.com (include name, phone and city).