Tommy Hunter, he of "John Lewis is a racist pig" Facebook infamy, has been officially reprimanded.

The written condemnation from his colleagues on the Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners, the result of a controversial ethics investigation, has been posted online and on the courthouse wall. Soon, the five-page denunciation, which notes a "pattern of behavior that fails to adequately consider the good of the County," will appear in the local newspaper, completing the process.

But then what?

Will the uproar — the months and months of commission meeting protests and racial angst, of early departures by Hunter and controversial comments from his paid political consultant, of frustration among members of an otherwise buttoned-up government — finally come to an end? Will everything…calm down?

Not likely.

The protests may continue, a recall election is a possibility, and Hunter’s lawsuit will still be there.

“He has really created a situation in Gwinnett County that we can never go back to the status quo,” Donna McLeod, one of the architects of the anti-Hunter movement, said. “Those days are long gone now.”

Read the full story — including what Hunter’s spokesman and attorney have to say — at

RAW: Gwinnett chairman opens up about 'racist pig' case


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