A new employment agreement for Gwinnett County Administrator Glenn Stephens changes his employment to at-will, and gives him a raise.
Stephens, whose five-year contract expired at the end of August, was approved in the same role at a specially called meeting last Friday. He will be paid $250,000 a year under the new agreement. His previous contract started at $228,000 annually.
Stephens receives an automobile allowance and can accumulate up to 12 weeks of vacation.
If he is terminated from his job in the county, Stephens will receive a severance payment of six months, plus another month’s pay for each year he has been in the job — up to a year’s worth of pay. He will also receive payment for his accrued sick leave and vacation days.
In a statement, Commission Chairman Charlotte Nash said “we all owe a debt of gratitude to Mr. Stephens” for his work during the economic downturn, which was arguably “the most difficult and challenging time in county history.”
Stephens, a Snellville resident, was appointed county administrator in September 2009. He had led the county’s planning department for three years, and worked as a senior assistant county attorney specializing in land use, zoning laws, and litigation.
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