Many DeKalb residents and elected officials were outraged by Wednesday's corruption investigation report.
Among other things, the report questioned hundreds of thousands of dollars on spending on charities, gift cards, meals and other expenses. The investigators urged Interim CEO Lee May and other DeKalb officials to resign and called for immediate action to recover all funds that were spent in violation of state law.
“I’m really embarrassed that we have elected officials that have no more interest and love for this county than that,” south DeKalb resident Charles Peagler said after reading the report.
“You have people in government that don’t shy away from putting their hand in public money just because they can,” said DeKalb resident Harmel Deanne Codi. “This is just beyond criminal. That’s how I feel.”
County Commissioner Nancy Jester called the report “an embarrassment” that “highlights a stunning amount of misconduct at all levels of DeKalb government.
“The DeKalb government is failing to provide even basic fiscal oversight,” Jester said. “The abuse of trust and lack of regard for the public’s assets are disheartening and unforgivable.”
Read more about the investigation report here.
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