The Fourth Annual Clayton County Community Youth and Young Adult Forum will be this Saturday in Jonesboro.

“Equipping Our Youth Through Public Agency and Collaboration” is the theme of this year’s event which is countywide effort among Clayton’s juvenile justice system, the school district, sheriff’s office, county police, and faith-based community.

The 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. forum will be at the S. Truett Cathy Professional Learning Center, 1087 Battlecreek Road. It will feature panel and youth discussions on juvenile court programs, police and sheriff office, schools, parent-teacher association, health care, fire department and other community resources. There will be sessions on family, academics, drugs and gangs.

The idea for the forum emerged five years ago as a way to bring “young people and adults together around issues that are confronting our young people,” said Steve Teske, chief judge for the Clayton County Juvenile Court.

“I wanted to create a strong connection to build a relationship with our faith-based community,” Teske said. “I believe our faith-based community is a key stakeholder in building a caring community and improving the quality of life in our community.

Teske said he sees “many young people who are so vulnerable and may not be in touch with the churches. This may be a way to connect with mentors and role models in our churches who they otherwise would not come to know.”

Resident Henry Walker, a volunteer at the court and liaison to the clergy and community, was instrumental in assembling the various groups for the forum, Teske said. Previous forums have drawn 50 to 100 participants, including students, parents, clergy, community leaders, county and court officials, Teske said.

For details: call 770 477-3260.