The following is a sampling of some social disturbances that have occured this year:
Deltopia Party
April 5: More than 80 people were arrested during a street party near the University of California, Santa Barbara. Rowdy participants, who numbered about 15,000 at the height of the party, hurled bottles, rocks and bricks at police. In addition to the dozens of arrests, at least one person was stabbed and eight police officers were injured.
Michael Brown protests
Aug. 10: The shooting death of Michael Brown, a black unarmed teenager, by white Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson sparked days of violent protest in the Missouri city. After the shooting, heavily-armed police and protesters battled nightly, with dozens of arrests and numerous incidents of looting and vandalism. Officials there were criticized for the mass arrests and the police department’s use of military weapons and tactics on the angry residents.
Pumpkin Fest
Oct. 18: Riots developed at the 24th annual Pumpkin Fest in Keene, New Hampshire. Fueled mostly by alcohol, hundreds of participants began throwing bottles, rocks and bricks at police. The rioters, mostly from Keene State College, damaged cars and set fires. Dozens of arrests were made and several people were injured.
Giants wint the 2014 World Series
Oct. 29: Thousands of fans took to the streets of the Mission District in San Francisco following the Giants’ World Series victory over the Kansas City Royals. The rioters set fires, hurled bottles at police and damaged city buses and police vehicles. There were two shootings and at least one stabbing. One officer was seriously hurt and dozens of people were arrested.
Ferguson grand jury decision protests
Nov. 24: Angry protesters set fire to buildings and police cars and looted businesses in the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson after it was announced that a grand jury decided against indicting the white police officer who fatally shot Michael Brown, an unarmed black 18-year-old, in August. Authorities say that more than 80 people were arrested.
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