Kentucky man regrets dressing son in Hitler costume for Halloween

A Kentucky man who dressed his 5-year-old son in a costume that resembled Adolf Hitler for a trick-or-treat event last week said he regretted his actions, WEHT reported.

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Bryant Goldbach, of Owensboro, wore what appeared to be a Nazi officer's uniform, and the boy wore a suit, swastika armband and a Hitler-style mustache to the city's Trail of Treats event on Thursday night, reported.

A photograph of Goldbach and his son was posted online and sparked outrage. Goldbach originally defended his decision on Facebook, saying he did it for historical purposes, but the post has since been removed, WEHT reported. It was shared on Twitter and Reddit, sparking angry comments, reported.

On reflection, Goldbach said he made a bad choice.

"I think it was in bad taste for me to let my child to wear that, probably for me to wear that. It didn't occur to me,” Goldbach told the television station. “I thought it was a bad decision on my part.”.

Rabbi Gary Mazo of the Temple Adath B’nai Israel in Evansville, Indiana, said people should have more sensitivity when choosing a Halloween costume.

"The fact that the father apologized is important; the fact he did not know the costumes would be offensive is a very sad reflection on our society," Mazo told WEHT. "A good rule of thumb would be 'if your costume calls to mind an event where millions were killed, choose another costume.'"