An angry Kansas mother took to Facebook to voice her frustrations about comments that a Dilliard's sales employee made to her daughter.
"I wish I had told you how many girls suffer from poor self image and telling them they need something to make them perfect can be very damaging. Girls of all ages, shapes and sizes are perfect because that is how God made them. If they feel good in a dress, that is all that should matter. My daughter is tall, she swims, runs, dances and does yoga. She's fit. She's beautiful. She did not need you telling her that she is not perfect. I hope this is shared and gets back to you so that you should not say something like that to a girl ever again. You never know what negative or positive thoughts they are thinking about themselves."
Harris signed the letter "Sincerely, mother of a beautiful girl."
After Harris' initial post gained attention, she posted a follow-up message to social media users who criticized her experience.
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