Thursday, March 7 is the 2019 Crossover Day in the Georgia Legislature. It’s when a bill typically needs to pass at least one chamber of the General Assembly in order to have a chance of becoming law this year.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution will have the largest team covering the action, using its expertise to offer insight on the issues that matter to taxpayers. Follow the coverage at
There also will be a Bill Tracker to provide an up-to-date look at what happens to specific pieces of legislation now before the General Assembly.
The Legislature meets for 40 legislative days. Adjournment is expected to be April 2.
> RELATED: 5 bills to watch on Crossover Day 2019
> Abortion law: Georgia lawmakers clash in a high-stakes debate
> Atlanta airport: In Georgia debate over airport takeover, watch the amendments
> AJC Bill Tracker: Status of key legislation at a glance
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