A social media threat of violence at Paulding County High School has caused authorities to beef up security at the campus today.
Paulding County Sheriff's Office and school officials planned to have additional deputies at the school in response to concerns that a recent altercation off campus might spill into the school day, authorities said.
"There was apparently some type of a fight," Paulding County Sheriff's Corporal Ashley Henson told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. "As a result of the fight, there was some kind of threat on social media that the school was going to get shot up."
While a statement from school officials characterized the threat of violence as an "unsubstantiated rumor," officials stressed the importance of being proactive.
"The District and Sheriff's Office take a proactive approach to any potential threat and will have additional resources at the school to support students and maintain a safe learning environment," the statement reads. "We encourage any student with information on the alleged threat to report it to school administration."
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