GBI: Armed 17-year-old shot by officer in South Fulton subdivision

State agency also investigating officer-involved shooting in Seminole County
The GBI was asked to investigate two officer-involved shootings Friday.

The GBI was asked to investigate two officer-involved shootings Friday.

A call about a suspicious person Friday evening ended with an armed teenager being shot by police in South Fulton, state officials said.

Officers were sent to the Burdett Place subdivision along Burdett Road at about 6:45 p.m. after a 911 caller reported a suspicious person, the GBI said. After spotting the person, police could see he had a gun under his shirt, according to the GBI.

Authorities gave the man, identified as 17-year-old Jordan Buckner, commands to show his hands. One officer eventually shot Buckner, striking him at least once, officials said.

A handgun was recovered from the scene, according to the GBI.

The teen was taken to Grady Memorial Hospital in critical condition. No officers were injured.

That same day, the GBI was asked to investigate another officer-involved shooting in Seminole County.

Wolfgang Espinosa Jr., 25, was arrested Thursday evening on a DUI charge after a crash and taken to the Seminole jail, the GBI said. On Friday morning, the agency said the Florida man managed to escape from deputies and steal a patrol vehicle parked at the jail.

A chase ensued on U.S. 84 until a deputy caught up to Espinosa and tried to get him out of the car, the GBI said. During a struggle between Espinosa and the deputy, the GBI said the deputy shot him, but Espinosa was able to drive off again.

Deputies were able to stop Espinosa another time. The GBI said a deputy used a Taser on him this time while he was resisting arrest. The stun gun had no effect on Espinosa, who then took a Taser from a deputy, according to the agency.

Espinosa was eventually restrained and arrested. He was taken to a hospital, but his condition was not released. Deputies received minor injuries.

The incidents marked the 26th and 27th officer-involved shootings the GBI has been asked to investigate this year.