Ga. pastor used tithes, donations to buy lingerie, leather goods

Corey Megill Brown (Credit: Savannah Morning News)

Corey Megill Brown (Credit: Savannah Morning News)

A Savannah pastor must spend 28 months in prison and pay his former church more than $178,000 after authorities say he stole tithes and church donations and put it in his personal account.

Corey Megill Brown, 47, was sentenced Friday, just months after he pleaded guilty to mail fraud that led authorities to the embezzlements that occurred between 2008 and 2014, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for Georgia’s Southern District said in a news release.

The pastor worked at the Second African Baptist Church and was a chaplain for the Savannah-Chatham Metropolitan Police Department.

Brown deposited the stolen funds into a shadow bank account called “Romans 12 Ministries” and used the money to make purchases at lingerie and leather goods stores, authorities said.

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